Commercial Building Owners can deduct the full cost of a roof replacement up to 1M dollars the year it’s completed using the Section 179 Tax Deduction.
What Can Qualify for 179 Tax Deduction?
These are just some examples, not all of them. Commercial Building Owners can write off up to 1M dollars of their Re-Roof project even if they do not pay for it! Meaning it was paid for by the insurance carrier and/or a commercial funding company. That’s a huge tax deduction!!
There is also a 179D tax deduction available to commercial building owners that make eligible energy-efficient improvements (aka Solar Panel Installation) to their commercial buildings, which can allows them to deduct up to $1.80 SF, approximately half of their Solar installation in Year One.
What Can Qualify for 179D Tax Deduction?
Together these two tax deductions combine to make one of the best available Tax Strategies ever created in U.S. History for Commercial Building Owners.
However, many today are unaware that Section 179 applies to Commercial Re-Roofing. This is a HUGE OPPORTUNITY for Roofing Contractors selling Commercial Building Owners whom can provide this as part of their commercial roof proposal.